R mixed with AIX-like Iconv CookBook. 1. 32bit Cooking gzip -dc libiconv-1.12.tar.gz|tar xf - mv libiconv-1.12 libiconv-1.12.32 unset OBJECT_MODE pushd libiconv-1.12.32 ./configure CC="gcc-4.2" make popd 2. 64bit Cooking gzip -dc libiconv-1.12.tar.gz|tar xf - mv libiconv-1.12 libiconv-1.12.64 export OBJECT_MODE=64 pushd libiconv-1.12.64 ./configure CC="gcc-4.2 -maix64" make make install # make merge iconv of the system in the install task of default popd 3. merge 32bit shared file in archive for 64bit ar -X32 r /usr/local/lib/libiconv.a libiconv-1.12.32/lib/.libs/libiconv.so.2 4. marge 32bit system iconv object in archive for 64bit mkdir /tmp/iconv.32 pushd /tmp/iconv.32 iconv32=`ar -X32 t /usr/lib/libiconv.a` ar -X32 x /usr/lib/libiconv.a ar -X32 r /usr/local/lib/libiconv.a ${iconv32} rm -f ${iconv32} popd rmdir /tmp/iconv.32 5. check libiconv $ ar -X32 t /usr/local/lib/libiconv.a libiconv.so.2 shr4.o shr.o $ ar -X64 t /usr/local1/lib/libiconv.a libiconv.so.2 shr4_64.o 6. use gnu iconvlib configuration ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/R-2.7.1 \ --enable-R-shlib \ --enable-BLAS-shlib \ --with-tcl-config=/usr/local/lib/tclConfig.sh \ --with-tk-config=/usr/local/lib/tkConfig.sh \ CC="gcc-4.2 -maix64 -pthread" \ F77="gfortran-4.2 -maix64 -pthread" \ FC="gfortran-4.2 -maix64 -pthread" \ CXX="g++-4.2 -maix64 -pthread" \ CFLAGS="-O2 -g -mcpu=power4" \ FFLAGS="-O2 -g -mcpu=power4" \ FCFLAGS="-O2 -g -mcpu=power4" \ CXXFLAGS="-O2 -g -mcpu=power4" \ LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib" \ CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/incluse" # You must appoint the search pass of iconv in CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS by all means. Please enjoy chaos of AIX!! Chaos.1 openmp of gfortran for AIX is different from the standard in aligning it. Chaos.2 tools::checkFF of gcc for R is unstable. Chaos.3 To Be Continued.....